Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pictures of our kids with some new friends

Some recent family shots

Here are some current pictures of us just being "us" around the Ranch.

Katie is showing her painting that she did with Darwin. You can see Darwin's picture on an earlier blog post.

Emily has painted her face for the big soccer game that took place at the Ranch between the Bridge House and the boys here. She later discovered that this concoction of red that her and Katie made, would not come off. This led to some pretty stressful moments. Ask her about it.

Karen is shown here with some of her new friends. From left to right: Kimberly (our Ranch social worker), Kim (wife of director Eric), Mirian (another house mom), Ceci (Honduran office worker), and of course Karen on the right.

The last photo is of Dave & Karen hanging around with Edgar on the compo (playground).

Emily's Birthday Bash

We recently celebrated Emily's 14th birthday. All of the older kids at the Ranch were invited and some adults showed up too. We did smores over a fire (with saltine crackers that Katie thought were graham crackers), had way too many snacks, and played Wii. A Honduran tradition here (at least they tell us it is) is to "egg" the person on their birthday. Emily had it in her hair, on her face, and all over her clothing. Nice.

We hope she enjoyed her birthday here. She is growing up quickly and turning into a beautiful young lady.


We found this old hard hat in the workshop, and Darwin fell in love with it. He immediately started wearing it backwards and calling himself "SUPERGUY". After running into many things and falling down often, Dave drilled two eye holes in the back of the helmet. Problem solved.

Art Work

The girls and Karen are turning Darwin into quite the artist. Karen painted chalkboard paint on the wall and allows Darwin to keep it decorated.

Some new pictures of our Honduran child - Darwin

Books of Interest

  • The Power of Positive Thinking